Thursday, September 15, 2011

Back from a little blog break

Hi again! Did anyone even notice how neglected this little "korner" of the web has been the last 10 days or so?  All is well, and my little unplanned blog break is over. I've been working on some crafty things in the meantime, though...and some I'll share in a short while.

I will say that if you like your Green Tangerines monthly kits, I think you'll really like the card kit add-on for October, too...just had to add that little tease. :) 

I'm starting to round up fall/winter holiday-themed supplies these days...are you getting into that yet?  I'm such a "sucker" for new holiday decor items and crafty items, and I tend to be like a child in a candy store when I see the new products all laid out and looking pretty (i.e, I'm really susceptible to good marketing and display techniques!).  When I was purging and cleaning "the korner" a few weeks ago, I approached it with this question: "if you were packing to move, would you take this with you or give it away?"  It helped to make the decision a little easier.  I really need to apply that question when my eyes glaze over with the fun of holiday product displays- LOL

Here are pics of a couple cards for my stash. I'll be back next week with more fall-colored projects!

Patterned Papers: BasicGrey Hopscotch collection (multicolor), BoBunny Dots (pink)
Vintage Image: Crafty Secrets      Laces: local craft stores      Hug Snug seam binding
Pearls, Paper flowers, Paper leaves: Prima      Sentiment Stamp: Hero Arts

I used my Make the Cut software to cut this shaped card.  (I was playing around with backgrounds on this next one, too - not too sure if I like the dark color now that I see it here. )

Patterned Paper: BasicGrey Capella collection      Software: Make the Cut
Pearls: Prima      Laces & felt flower: local craft stores
Hug Snug Seam Binding      Sentiment Stamp: Inkadinkado

Thanks for stopping by!

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