Monday, October 3, 2011

A Crafty Weekend...

I got a good start on a few holiday cards this weekend - appropriate, since Saturday was National Cardmaking Day.  I feel most creative at night for some reason, so I was able to put in a late night both Friday and Saturday and got 5 more holiday cards made.  That's a good number for me, since most of my cards average 1-1/2 to 2 hours each to make.  I create "on the fly" and let the embellishments and crafty experiments lead the way, so it doesn't make for quick completion of my projects, but a more fun and creative one. (and isn't that what having a hobby is all about?)

So here are the two Thanksgiving cards I made up this weekend...

Patterned Papers: Graphic 45 LeCirque Collection/Extravaganza &
MyMindsEye Breaking Free Collection/Wild Ride Hot Dots
Spellbinders Labels 23 & Grand Labels 23
Fabric Leaf: local craft store    Hug Snug Seam Binding   

Patterned Papers: Pink Paislee Queen Bee Collection      Maya Road heart stick pin
Pearls: Prima      Lace: local craft store      Hug Snug seam binding    

I'll be back in a day or so with more card pics from my weekend...have a great Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Kathy, Again these are gorgeous cards ! You have such a blessed gift of combining colors and layering ! I'm looking forward to see your other cards.

    Love, Rosa


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