Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas Minis Part III

I hope everyone had a happy and safe Thanksgiving holiday!  Did you shop on Black Friday and find some great deals?  I hope yours was one of the fun experiences I've heard about Friday, and not one of the more outrageous ones that we all read about and saw on the news reports...crazy!  I shopped the mall on Black Friday once, and since that one time, I've never done it again. It was back in the "old days" when you set your alarm for 3:30AM to be at the stores by 4:30 AM and wait in line until they opened the doors at 6AM. Top that with the fact that I'm not a fan of being in a crowd, and you have a recipe for disaster.  But I found the deals I went after...LOL  Now I much prefer to find deals on the computer in the warm comfort of my home.

I'm in full-blown rush mode now to finish more Christmas cards, but to be honest, I'm far from getting the number done that I've made in years past.  I'm not an assembly-line card maker (OK, except for those vintage minis I showed you earlier - I liked all the images on the sheet I purchased from Janet and had to find a way to use them all), and I like to experiment with designs as I go along. While that might make for a more enjoyable construction process for me, it's more time-consuming.  But I'm making progress, and today I have a couple more 3-1/2"x5" "twin" minis to share with you. .

Patterned Papers: Authentique Wonder collection (green), BoBunny (red)
Vintage Images downloaded from the internet      Hug Snug seam binding
Dec 25 stamp: Inkadinkado    Chipboard frames: Tattered Angels
Silver & Gold German glass glitters, Cotton lace: Etsy    Bells: craft store    Pebbles Glitter Candy Dots
Spellbinders Classic Ric-Rac insert Edgeabilities

Thanks for stopping by!

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