Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

In the spirit of the fun of the day...

(Image: The Graphics Fairy  )

If we don't have rain, we'll be having our usual Halloween Block Party tonight. We block off the end of the street, and gather in the center with tables of pot-luck desserts and beverages, and buckets of treats from each house on the street. The local children have a blast visiting with us, showing off their costumes, and "going down the line" of treat buckets without having to walk both sides of the street. The adult chaperones enjoy watching the tv that's been set out in the street with us all, which is usually surrounded with a group of neighbors and visitors alike, watching with one eye whichever sports game is tuned in on it. The plan was to have the World Series tuned in this year, but the Giants swept it in four games, so who knows what we'll be watching tonight!

But for now, we return to our regularly scheduled programming...:)

Today's card has nothing to do with Halloween...or fall...or anything specific.  I felt like making something light, airy, and shabby, so that's what we have all-occasion card in light grey and white, with a sprinkling of pink...

I ran out of pink mulberry roses, so I had to make my own using white ones. (I sprayed them with a mist of Spun Sugar Distress Ink refill ink and distilled water.)  They're nestled inside a chipboard heart that's been painted, inked, stitched, and sprinkled with clear German glass glitter, and sits on top of a piece of scrunched cheesecloth...

The large leaf was hand-cut from a piece of corrugated cardboard, dry-brushed with white paint, and tucked under the heart...

Instead of using a flourish of pearls as I usually do, I used the craft store (wedding section) pearl spray just the way it came out of the looks lighter and "airier" than a flourish of gems...

Patterned papers: Echo Park/Victoria Gardens (grey); Echo Park/Dots & Stripes Candy Shoppe (pink)
Chipboard heart: Maya Road      Pearls: Recollections       Punch: Martha Stewart Medium Branch    
Paper roses:      Die: My Favorite Things Royal Leaves
Miscellaneous: cheesecloth, corrugated cardboard, pearl spray, clear German glass glitter

Thanks so much for stopping in for a visit today...have a safe and fun Halloween night! I'll be back tomorrow with a long post and a card that uses a technique I haven't used in a couple was fun to play with it again. :)


  1. I love the color patterns of your card. Really lovely to eyes. Thanks for sharing this.

  2. So very pretty....i need a wedding card idea right may have just inspired me!!!

  3. Sigh....this is gorgeous! I just love the pearl sprays....


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