Monday, May 6, 2013

A Softly-Shabby Hello...

Happy Monday!  It's the start of another week...and my craft room is in total disarray while Stage 1 of the "redo" is happening (yay!).

I've written a few posts in advance, because I knew this was going to happen. I only hope I wrote enough to get me through the time needed for the installation of the new cabinets, the reorganization of the supplies that will fill them, and getting all my electronics, that sit on the surfaces below the new cabinets, back up and working.  (If I should "disappear" for a few days, you'll know that I didn't estimate well and my computer is still down...LOL)

Today's card is a very shabby and pastel little number.  I used a digital paper from Janet's shop on Etsy, printing it out in two different sizes to stack the smaller over the larger.

I chose to keep the floral cluster small in the upper corner, so the printed cluster on the background paper in that corner would peek out beneath it. The stick pin started with a Maya Road heart pin, with added silver findings and more white pearls...

One piece of the white lace runs across the entire front of the card, beneath the smaller piece of patterned paper.  Then I ran a basting stitch to lightly gather another, smaller piece of the same lace, ran it across the front of the smaller paper and placed a double strip of pearl trim over the stitching in the center...

A peek at the inside. This time, I used the edge distresser to shabby up only the edges of the pink mat...

Patterned paper:   Color Labels 2 from ByDigitalPaper on Etsy
Mulberry flowers:   Wild Orchid Crafts       Die:   My Favorite Things Royal Leaves
Pearls:   Recollections and K&Company       Lace:   local craft store       Heart pin:   Maya Road (embellished)
Miscellaneous:   white hemp twine

Thanks for visiting today...I hope your week is starting with a smile!


  1. Absolutely gorgeous.. and I am sure all the disruption will be worth the new creative space!!

  2. Wundervoll romantisch schön.

    GLG Petra


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