Monday, December 2, 2013

A Few Fun Announcements!...

Happy Cyber Monday, all! There are some fun things happening at Lili of the Valley this week that I thought you might like to know...and then I'll have a girly birthday card to share with you later today in a separate post.

First, just in time for Cyber Monday, Lili of the Valley is having a great sale on the LOTV website - and the new baby stamp sets are part of this sale! It starts mid-day today GBT...that's a few hours from now, and will run for 24 hours...

This could be the perfect time to order those LOTV stamps on your personal wish list! :)

If you'd like a chance to win a stamp every day, check out what's going on at the Ideas to Inspire blog...

And speaking of winning stamps, a big CONGRATULATIONS to the following winners of stamps from our Baby Blog Hop...coops (drawn from the replies on Jen's blog), RibenaRuby (from the commenters on Mary J's blog), and Yvi (from commenters on my blog hop post).  

And I've been saving the best for last! LOTV has been nominated, along with one of our Design Team members, Dawny Phillips, in a few categories for the British Craft Awards! Only companies in the UK are eligible to win, and only UK/Channel Island voters are eligible to win the random drawing prizes...but international voters certainly can participate in the voting process and have their votes count. If you're so inclined to help LOTV and Dawny towards a win, it would be so appreciated! Voting is open until December 20, 2013, so there's still plenty of time for you to get your votes in and counted.

For those of us outside the UK, it might be a bit confusing when you first get to to start the voting process in the craft category, so to help you along, here are a few hints. If you want to skip a category, remember to type a "." in the comment box and you'll be able to move on to the next category.

Here are some details that I found on the Ideas to Inspire blog that will help you navigate this quickly and easily.

The first section is the one that seems to confuse people outside the UK, as you're asked to select a region. This is not where you live, but the location of the shop you're voting for. You can really choose any of them listed in this category, or you can vote "other" and put a "." in the comment box.

The next question is to name a craft retailer who went the extra mile. You can vote from the list, or choose "other" and write "Lili of the Valley" in the box.  You can add the reason, or if you don't want to write anything, just put a "." in the comment box to move on.

Next is "best online retailer."  It does say UK, but you must vote to move on, so again it would be lovely if you chose to vote for Lili of the Valley by choosing "other" and writing "Lili of the Valley" in the box.

Next is about craft chain stores - you can vote or just opt to check "don't visit them" or comment as applicable.

Next, it's onto a category where Lili of the Valley is nominated...most inspirational craft blog.

Next, it's favorite paper craft range...if you like Lili of the Valley paper pads, you can select "other" and type "Lili of the Valley" in the comment box.

Next, it's another where LOTV is on the nominated list...stamp range you couldn't resist. It would be so wonderful for LOTV for their customers to vote them the winner in these two short-listed categories!

There are a few questions about the craft products you like to use...answer with your favorites, or use the "other" and "." if there's a question that doesn't apply to you, and you want to move on to the next category.

Favorite card designer is the next category, and our Design Team member Dawny (Dawn Phillips) is up for this award -  it would be so wonderful if you'd help her win by giving her your vote!

The final question is about your favorite presenter or demonstrator on craft TV.  If you have a preference, here's where you vote for them, or you can opt for "I don't watch craft TV."  But if you've enjoyed watching Dawny demonstrate LOTV on craft tv shows, here's where you can check "other" and write in "Dawn Phillips" in the comment box. We just might be able to see our Dawny win a couple awards!

Finally, at the end, they do ask for your name and address...and don't forget to review the marketing boxes at the end, and indicate whether or not you prefer to be added to their mailing sure to check the "no" box if you don't want to receive mailings.

Phew! That's a lot of information for a Monday morning, hmmm? Hopefully I haven't worn you out with fun news...I'll be back later today with some birthday card pics to share.

Thanks for stopping by!

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