Thursday, January 30, 2014

No One Like You...

Hello, all. Remember the clean/purge/reorg project I told you about Monday? It's going along pretty well, with just a few hiccups....of my own making. :)  If you've ever seen the movie "Up" and remember the dog in the movie who gets distracted easily by a "squirrel!"....that's me while I'm reorganizing...haha.

I happened to come across a small baggie of leftover pieces from a previous project, and then a bag of die cut hearts, and while I had them all out on the table sorting which pieces to keep, I happened to notice a few pieces that would go together pretty nicely together on a new card. Sooooo...guess who stopped cleaning, cleared a spot to work, and put together a new card? Yep..."squirrel!" I haven't photographed it yet, but I hope to have it ready to show you next week.

I'm now waiting for some freshly spray-painted storage containers and racks to cure completely so I can reload them, and make more room on my work surface. It will be nice not to have to sort on the floor anymore!

In the meantime, here's another little number that I made up last week. Funny thing is that this card is also made with some pieces of background paper that I originally cut for another project, then changed my mind and went a different direction. When I went back and pulled them out again, I had a whole new idea for them. It's almost spring-like with its pale yellows and greens, so if you're one of those dealing with frigid temps and snow right now, I hope it helps you think of warmer days ahead...

I found this gathered muslin and pearl trim at the craft store a while back, hidden at the bottom of a clearance bin. I wish I could have found more than the two pieces I did's just my style...

I could only find some cream lilies in my stash...but remembered that originally in that batch were some lilies with brown edge accents, so I recreated some with dark brown ink along the edges of the cream lilies...

I had fun with the lace trim and flower cluster. They started out straight and vertical side-by-side, but once I started playing with the line of the fabric/pearl trim, the arrangement of the flowers just seemed to happen naturally...

The sentiment tag is nestled among the flowers in the lower corner, backed with lightweight chipboard and popped up just a bit with foam tape...

Patterned papers:   Authentique Peaceful collection
Dies:   Spellbinders Fancy Framed Tags Two;   Sizzix Flowers Branches & Leaves
Sentiment stamp:   Hero Arts          Pearl/muslin trim, pearls:   Recollections          Lilies:   Wild Orchid Crafts

Back "into the fray" I go...I know I'll be glad when this cleanup is done again, but it sure is a mess while it's happening. LOL. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Your card is gorgeous, and hey a little bit of creating in the middle of a tidy up certainly is ok I think! hehe!

  2. All your cards are so beautiful Kathy and very stylish. Love all the embellishments and flowers!
    x Gretha

  3. Gorgeous card !That gathered muslin looks a feel of gentle movement !!

  4. Another beautiful card Kathy - gorgeous colours. Hugs, Claire x

  5. Your cards are all so amazing. Can't believe that you created this latest with "scraps". I would have had to plan this out for a week. Thanks for sharing all of your work.

  6. A really gorgeous card Kathy and I can totally relate to your 'clean up' and the 'squirrel' ... sounds just like me!! lol Love your work and have become a follower!!


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